> Promotion and Information

"Cash Rush" Activity

"Cash Rush" Activity

Share Event

The following is the list of winners of the Cash Rush program:

Chong Kx Cxxx $1008
Lum Hxx Yxxxx $1500
Sze Lxx Yxxx $1186
Chong Cxx Cxxxx $420
Kum Lxx Yx $1500
Lam Wxxx Mxx $1500
Leung Pxx Kxxxx $719
Kam Lxx Pxxx $262
Tang Wxx Lxxx $1020
Li Cxxxx Mxx $1500
Li Yxx Lxx $1239
Ting Sxx Yx $1105
Keung Sxx Mxx $1500
Chan Wxxx Hxx $960
Tse Kxxx Kxx $1500
Lee Mxx Yxxx $1015
Chow Txxx Mxx $654
Leung Kx Kxx $1500
Sze Sxx Mxx $1500
Chan Txx Mxx $1306
Lai Kxx Sxx $1425
Wong Wxxx Sxxx $840
Tong Hx Sxx $1500
Yu Cxxxx Hxx $1500

Congratulations to all the winners!