The Dow Jones Industrial Average opened up 679.42 points, or 1.60%, at 43,197.70 points on Wednesday, January 15; the Nasdaq Composite Index opened up 317.63 points, or 1.67%, at 19,362.02 points on Wednesday, January 15; the S&P 500 opened up 83.06


The Dow Jones Industrial Average opened up 679.42 points, or 1.60%, at 43,197.70 points on Wednesday, January 15; the Nasdaq Composite Index opened up 317.63 points, or 1.67%, at 19,362.02 points on Wednesday, January 15; the S&P 500 opened up 83.06 points, or 1.42%, at 5,925.97 points on Wednesday, January 15.