The Dow Jones Index opened up 293.09 points, or 0.68%, at 43,446.22 points on January 17 (Friday); The S&P 500 opened up 57.52 points, or 0.97%, at 5,994.86 points on January 17 (Friday); The Nasdaq Composite Index opened up 322.91 points, or 1.67%,


The Dow Jones Index opened up 293.09 points, or 0.68%, at 43,446.22 points on January 17 (Friday); The S&P 500 opened up 57.52 points, or 0.97%, at 5,994.86 points on January 17 (Friday); The Nasdaq Composite Index opened up 322.91 points, or 1.67%, at 19,661.20 points on January 17 (Friday).