The Dow Jones Industrial Average opened up 193.04 points, or 0.44%, at 43,680.87 points on January 21 (Tuesday); the S&P 500 opened up 28.79 points, or 0.48%, at 6,025.45 points on January 21 (Tuesday); the Nasdaq Composite opened up 95.39 points, or


The Dow Jones Industrial Average opened up 193.04 points, or 0.44%, at 43,680.87 points on January 21 (Tuesday); the S&P 500 opened up 28.79 points, or 0.48%, at 6,025.45 points on January 21 (Tuesday); the Nasdaq Composite opened up 95.39 points, or 0.49%, at 19,725.58 points on January 21 (Tuesday).