The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 538.22 points, or 1.24%, at 44,026.05 points on Tuesday, January 21; The S&P 500 closed up 52.59 points, or 0.88%, at 6,049.25 points on Tuesday, January 21; The Nasdaq Composite closed up 126.58 points, or


The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 538.22 points, or 1.24%, at 44,026.05 points on Tuesday, January 21; The S&P 500 closed up 52.59 points, or 0.88%, at 6,049.25 points on Tuesday, January 21; The Nasdaq Composite closed up 126.58 points, or 0.64%, at 19,756.78 points on Tuesday, January 21.