The Dow Jones Industrial Average opened up 160.44 points, or 0.36%, at 44,186.25 points on Wednesday, January 22; The S&P 500 opened up 29.87 points, or 0.49%, at 6,079.11 points on Wednesday, January 22; The Nasdaq Composite opened up 196.90 points,


The Dow Jones Industrial Average opened up 160.44 points, or 0.36%, at 44,186.25 points on Wednesday, January 22; The S&P 500 opened up 29.87 points, or 0.49%, at 6,079.11 points on Wednesday, January 22; The Nasdaq Composite opened up 196.90 points, or 1.00%, at 19,953.683 points on Wednesday, January 22.