The S&P 500 index opened up 1.72 points, or 0.03%, at 6120.43 points on January 24 (Friday); The Nasdaq Composite Index opened up 23.64 points, or 0.12%, at 20077.316 points on January 24 (Friday); The Dow Jones Index opened down 71.57 points, or 0.1


The S&P 500 index opened up 1.72 points, or 0.03%, at 6120.43 points on January 24 (Friday); The Nasdaq Composite Index opened up 23.64 points, or 0.12%, at 20077.316 points on January 24 (Friday); The Dow Jones Index opened down 71.57 points, or 0.16%, at 44493.5 points on January 24 (Friday).