The S&P 500 opened down 130.09 points, or 2.13%, at 5,971.13 points on Monday, January 27; the Nasdaq Composite opened down 622.66 points, or 3.12%, at 19,331.64 points on Monday, January 27; the Dow Jones opened down 183.54 points, or 0.41%, at 44,2


The S&P 500 opened down 130.09 points, or 2.13%, at 5,971.13 points on Monday, January 27; the Nasdaq Composite opened down 622.66 points, or 3.12%, at 19,331.64 points on Monday, January 27; the Dow Jones opened down 183.54 points, or 0.41%, at 44,240.71 points on Monday, January 27.