The Dow Jones Index opened up 46.31 points, or 0.10%, at 44,759.83 points on January 30 (Thursday); the Nasdaq Composite Index opened up 68.74 points, or 0.35%, at 19,701.06 points on January 30 (Thursday); the S&P 500 opened up 19.43 points, or 0.32


The Dow Jones Index opened up 46.31 points, or 0.10%, at 44,759.83 points on January 30 (Thursday); the Nasdaq Composite Index opened up 68.74 points, or 0.35%, at 19,701.06 points on January 30 (Thursday); the S&P 500 opened up 19.43 points, or 0.32%, at 6,058.72 points on January 30 (Thursday).