The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 168.61 points, or 0.38%, at 44,882.13 points on January 30 (Thursday); the S&P 500 closed up 31.86 points, or 0.53%, at 6,071.17 points on January 30 (Thursday); the Nasdaq Composite closed up 49.43 points,


The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 168.61 points, or 0.38%, at 44,882.13 points on January 30 (Thursday); the S&P 500 closed up 31.86 points, or 0.53%, at 6,071.17 points on January 30 (Thursday); the Nasdaq Composite closed up 49.43 points, or 0.25%, at 19,681.75 points on January 30 (Thursday).