The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed down 122.75 points, or 0.28%, at 44,421.91 points on February 3 (Monday); the S&P 500 closed down 45.96 points, or 0.76%, at 5,994.57 points on February 3 (Monday); the Nasdaq Composite closed down 235.49 point


The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed down 122.75 points, or 0.28%, at 44,421.91 points on February 3 (Monday); the S&P 500 closed down 45.96 points, or 0.76%, at 5,994.57 points on February 3 (Monday); the Nasdaq Composite closed down 235.49 points, or 1.20%, at 19,391.96 points on February 3 (Monday).