The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 317.24 points, or 0.71%, at 44,873.28 points on Wednesday, February 5; The S&P 500 closed up 23.60 points, or 0.39%, at 6,061.48 points on Wednesday, February 5; The Nasdaq Composite closed up 38.31 points,


The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 317.24 points, or 0.71%, at 44,873.28 points on Wednesday, February 5; The S&P 500 closed up 23.60 points, or 0.39%, at 6,061.48 points on Wednesday, February 5; The Nasdaq Composite closed up 38.31 points, or 0.19%, at 19,692.33 points on Wednesday, February 5.