The Dow Jones Industrial Average opened up 22.92 points, or 0.05%, at 44,770.55 points on February 7 (Friday); the Nasdaq Composite Index opened up 35.87 points, or 0.18%, at 19,827.865 points on February 7 (Friday); the S&P 500 opened up 9.11 points


The Dow Jones Industrial Average opened up 22.92 points, or 0.05%, at 44,770.55 points on February 7 (Friday); the Nasdaq Composite Index opened up 35.87 points, or 0.18%, at 19,827.865 points on February 7 (Friday); the S&P 500 opened up 9.11 points, or 0.15%, at 6,092.63 points on February 7 (Friday).