The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed down 537.24 points, or 1.30%, at 40,813.69 points on March 13 (Thursday); The S&P 500 closed down 77.79 points, or 1.39%, at 5,521.51 points on March 13 (Thursday); The Nasdaq Composite closed down 345.44 point


The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed down 537.24 points, or 1.30%, at 40,813.69 points on March 13 (Thursday); The S&P 500 closed down 77.79 points, or 1.39%, at 5,521.51 points on March 13 (Thursday); The Nasdaq Composite closed down 345.44 points, or 1.96%, at 17,303.01 points on March 13 (Thursday).